Product Quality Standards for Vendors

Product Descriptions and Information

- Accurate and detailed product descriptions.
- Clear information on product specifications, including size, color, material, and features.


- Selling only genuine, non-counterfeit products.
- Prohibiting the sale of replica, fake, or unauthorized items.

Product Condition

- Products should be brand new, unless explicitly stated as refurbished or used.
- Used or refurbished products must be accurately described and graded.

Safety and Compliance

- Compliance with all relevant safety standards and regulations.
- Ensuring that products do not pose any health or safety risks to consumers.

Product Images

- High-quality images that accurately represent the product.
- Multiple images from different angles and close-ups when necessary.


- Competitive and fair pricing.
- Transparency in pricing, including any additional fees or charges.


- Adequate packaging to prevent damage during shipping.
- Eco-friendly packaging practices whenever possible.

Shipping and Delivery

- Meeting committed delivery times.
- Providing tracking information to customers.

Returns and Refunds

- A clear return and refund policy in compliance with local laws.
- Efficient and fair handling of returns and refunds.

Customer Support

- Responsive and helpful customer support for inquiries and issues.
- Promptly addressing customer concerns and complaints.

Product Reviews and Ratings

- Encouraging honest and unbiased customer reviews and ratings.
- Monitoring and addressing fake reviews or rating manipulation.

Intellectual Property

- Respecting intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks.
- Not using copyrighted material without proper authorization.

Customer Privacy

- Protecting customer data and privacy in accordance with applicable laws.
- No unauthorized sharing of customer information.

Prohibited Items

- Maintaining a list of prohibited items and content.
- Strict enforcement against the sale of illegal or prohibited items.

Reporting Violations

- Clear procedures for reporting vendor violations of quality standards.
- Timely investigation and resolution of reported issues.

Continuous Improvement

- Encouraging vendors to continuously improve their product quality and customer service.